Dieser Post wird heute mal auf Deutsch verfasst, da er an alle deutschen Leser adressiert ist. Vor kurzem entdeckte ich die Seite www.DickeWelten.de und war total entzückt! Wer diese Seite noch nicht kennt, sollte diese definitiv durchstöbern, denn www.DickeWelten.de berichtet beispielsweise auch über unsere Lieblinge Beth Ditto und Crystal Renn.
Und bitte meine Damen, wenn die Beschreibung auf euch zutrifft, dann zögert keine Minute um euch anzumelden. Ab dem 1. November könnt ihr euch direkt auf www.DickeWelten.de bewerben! Genaue Teilnahmebedingungen findet ihr dort ebenfalls.
Bewerben! Bewerben! Bewerben! Es könnte eure Chance sein! Viel Erfolg und ganz viel Spaß!
While walking through Ulm/Germany I finally found the time to take some pictures. This autumn I'm totally into brown/camel/fawn/let's say all kinda shades of brown. I've never worn brown, cause I always felt like it doesn't look good on me. But I guess I was wrong, right?! Jk!
[Dress: Ulla Popken, Leggings: H&M BiB, Scarf: H&M, Trenchcoat: SimplyBe, Shoes: Tommy Hilfiger via Goertz, Bag: I bought the bag in a little boutique in Paris, Rue Saint-Honoré, unfortunately I forgot the boutique's name]
Since I saw the movie "Dear John" starring Amanda Seyfried and hotass Channing Tatum, I fell in love with Amanda's unique and exceptional beauty, an sultry but elegant beauty.
I guess it's her wonderful hair combined with her tender complexion, her full lips and these stunning eyes.
Amanda Seyfried's eyes... they are like the first sunray of the year that shines on your face and immediately warms your heart, don't you think? (never thought I'd sound that cheesy...)
Now since I saw "Letters to Juliet" last thursday, I had to post these images.
In Dec'09 I introduced Maddy to you. She's such a lovely youtuber and I really enjoy her videos. So the two of us prepared a little introduction of her. I hope y'all like it...
FaF: A short introduction of yourself, please!
Maddy: I am Madeline Knox from Atlanta,Ga, I am Black, I am 18 years old, I am a student at Georgia Perimeter college, I love shopping, youtube, magazines, music and feminine clothes. I loved fashion for a long time but as your readers know it can be hard when you are a plus size but I have found a way to make it work.
FaF: What prompt you to record videos and upload them on youtube?
Maddy: I started making videos because I would look for videos on style and could never find any that represented my body type. It really made me mad so I decided to do it myself, I collect magazines and absorb as much about dressing your body as I can. I have learned a lot about style and plus size fashion and I want to share it with people.
FaF: What or who inspires you? Who’s your style icon?
Maddy: I am really inspired by regular women, my childhood, celebs, and my family. I like to see how other girls put there outfits together and maybe i will take an idea from them and out my twist on it. I am really inspired by my childhood because my grandma used to always put me in cute pretty and girly clothes and my mom always got me stuff from the thrift store so I think I am good at mixing. I like to look at celebs but not too much i don't want to be a copycat. My mom always wears vintage clothes and she used to sell vintage clothes out of our house so I grew up around ladylike things.
FaF: In which stores do you buy your clothes and shoes?
Maddy: I always buy cardigans from the thrift store and I really only wear dresses and skirts so I go to target, faith21, I love TJMaxx and Ross for dresses very cheap. I buy shoes from Nordstrom last chance and target goes up to a size 11.
And here's her latest youtube video (HAUL):
I hope she'll soon get a twitter account, but I'll def let you know about that.
Go check out her videos and if you like them, please let her know! :D
I ordered the book in its original language about 2 weeks ago and finally it arrived.
Can't wait to start reading, but I first have to finish books for my drama study which starts in february.
I really wanna know how she established herself in this industry and finally sticked to her own ideas of living standards. Because the docents of my acting school want me to lose weight, otherwise I "would squash my acting partner", but I want to stick to my living standards, too. I love myself. This book might be helpful to come to a compromise... but we'll see.
Have you bought this book? Do you want to buy it? If not, why not?